2022/03/06 22:06
MOMOZONO Arte della Sartoria would like to talk about a topic that guide to choosing colour of your clothing refer to your personal aura and from complete colour meanings in Chromotherapy(colour therapy).
Today there are so many people started to know and being interested in what is Aura because of the oriental influence of Yoga and Chakra philosophy came from new age also.
According to spiritual beliefs, Aura means human energy field that is a coloured emanation said to enclose a human body or any animal or object. The concept of Aura was first popularised by a former priest of Church of England and member of mystic theosophical society.

In esoteric philosophy, the energy field located at the bottom of human body is called etheric body. Generally Aura is believed as a part of etheric body and also a part of astral body. Astral body is the energy located next level of etheric body intermediate between the intelligent soul and mental body. Astral body is often believed that controls emotions of mental activity mainly connected with energy from the universe. The idea of astral body is also rooted in common worldwide religious accounts of afterlife. Aura is also believed to exist in layer beyond astral body as mental body and causal body which is known as higher self.
So what I understood Aura means invisible energy body field located beyond human body and skin which could perceive with high sensibility of human ability like six sense or just feelings.
From a psychological point of view, humans have a natural behaviour choosing the colours which we feel missing.
Generally human subconscious is said to have a potential ability that could understand colours of aura ether yourself or others. The sense of lacking in mental process of human behaviours could also perceive in colours of aura and its conditions.
Clothes are the second skin of human body and we choose instinctively the colours of clothing every day. On the other hand we are actually choosing the colours of clothing subconsciously by knowing how to balance emotion automatically by controlling or coordinating the colours of aura.
Aura has colours by layers which each colours have different psychological meanings, it also changes colour coordination depends on the emotion.
In guide from Chromotherapy(colour therapy), it explains all colour meaning and the influence of expression to others. Colour therapy has the effect of healing psychologically by adjusting the autonomic nerves with an effect of colours. Chromotherapy is an alternative medicine method that uses light in the form of colours to balance "energy" lacking from person's body whether it be on physical, emotional, spiritual, or mental levels.
Colour therapy is also known as an ancient psychotherapy that provides insight into the effects of colours on human mind.
Persian polymath Ibn Sina(Avicenna)(980-1037) seeing colour as vital importance both in diagnosis and in treatment. He wrote that "colours is an observable symptom of disease".
Colours can express sensations unconsciously that are difficult to express just in words, psychotherapeutic effect of colours can heal mental illness temporary that oftern used to calm mind down or raise the mood intentionally.
Now, let me introduce here what each colour means from the point in chromotherapy.
Red = action, power, vitality
Pink = affection, kindness, love
Orange = sociable, positive mind
Yellow = intelligent, witty, optimistic
Green = harmony, healing, natural comfort
Blue = calm, peaceful, cool down
Purple = mysterious, elegant, de-stressing
White = purification, reset, essential
Black = authoritative, conservative, enigmatic, hide yourself
Grey = rebirth, restart, modest, harmony
Beige = kindness, calm, relaxing
Brown = relief, warmth, natural peace

Blue is the colour of sea and sky, has the effects of calmness, cool down feeling, and peace.

Black has the meaning of shutting out from the surroundings, and effects of hiding your true self intentionally.

Brown is relaxing colour that easy to harmonise with nature it means stability and warmth.

Red and Orange is a colour of vitality, red also means in china as colour of cerebration and luck.
Orange has effects of sociable and positive mind.

Yellow is a colour signifies positivity, intelligence, and easy going to switch mind.

Green has symbolical image of nature and harmony, it is also the colour of heart chakra.

Pink is originally the colour of the uterus, has an effects of mother's love, kindness and calm mind.

Grey is a colour of restart and harmony between black and white, is energetically weak colour so contrary could use not to disturb or irritate or give extra sense to the body and mind.
At MOMOZONO Arte della Sartoria is researching the meaning and effect of each colour not just as psychological view as also anthropological culturally and spiritually. Our aim of colour coordinations and experimentation are to dedicate and find the best personal colours to the each customers. Sometimes your subconscious knows best colour for you we are here to help listening to your true voice. Thank you very much for reading until the end.